Hi! I am Emilia.
The main focus of this blog is to showcase the progress of my artwork throughout my university course.
I am focusing on Animation, however I am willing to do illustration, painting commissions, basic character design work etc.

What type of work do I do?
I work with a lot of colour and backgrounds.
I love being able to provoke a certain emotion in the person looking at the artwork, and I believe I will be perfect to help you convey your ideas to the world.

What do I hope to achieve in the future?
I hope to be able to work independently and create art to make the world a little bit brighter.
Someday, once I have more experience, I want to open my own studio where I can be hired to create commercials, short films and 3D game animations.
What am I focusing on now?
I am currently focusing on improving my technique and creating my own unique style.
I hope to also get commissions to gain more experience in the professional world, aside from my experience at American Express.